The beginning...

I am unsure of this whole blogging idea. I am not sure how to begin. I haven’t done anything great, never achieved any great awards. I have lived a fairly simple life. My triumphs are personal, having great impact on my life, but I am not sure they could be considered “accomplishments” in the literal meaning of the word. I am a minimalist by nature. I am modest and almost timid when it comes to sharing intimate details of my life. But as the time comes, the stories will be located here for anyone who wants to read and out of the way for those that don’t. I hope the rest of my writing compels people to seek out nature. I hope I succeed in at least one portion of this blog. Here is where I will share my philosophical ideas on life and how I live it, what works for my life, and the lessons I have learned to get to those conclusions; my hypothesis and outcomes. If only one person learns one thing from my journals, sharing my story will be worth it.