What is there to figure out?

I am not even going to pretend I have it all figured out. But what is there in life to truly figure out? I have wasted so many moments searching for answers that will never be known, dreaming of a day when I will have all the knowledge I seek and the peace that has eluded me, and only then, can I die happy. But that is no more than an illusion, an unreal expectation of my distorted imagination. I will be no more happy with the revelations of why things happen than when I am when sitting beneath a sky full of stars in the darkness of my front yard, or watching the lightning, in all of its glory, streak across the sky. I will know no more peace than when I see a sunrise over the horizon, or watch the sunset, with its beautiful colors painting the sky, sink from my view. I will know no greater happiness than holding my children while they tell me stories, laughing with them, learning from them, and teaching them. I am a beautiful disaster shrouded in the dark thoughts of my past, grounding myself in the present moments, hoping for a brighter future. But this moment, this exact second, I am content with where I am, knowing how far I have come, and how much more I have to grow. There isn’t much I need to figure out. I just need to be, never allowing my mind to stop seeking attainable knowledge, but to stop it short when I know the answers don’t exist. I need to grow on my philosophical ideas of life, accepting the things I cannot change, and having courage to change the things I can. Yes, a direct quote from the Serenity Prayer. I need to follow in the footsteps of Muir, Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman. Becoming more self reliant and self accountable, knowing where I succeed and where I fail, improving the parts of me I am able to improve. It isn’t about figuring anything out, it is about learning to live with what comes my way and being responsible for my own actions. Not figuring it all out sounds like the most peaceful and perfect way to live. And I am going to try my damnedest to make that happen.